DEP analysis software


Installation instructions

Software description



Installation instructions


The DEP analysis software is constituted by an executable program with its configuration file and a new version of the LabView virtual instrument, which includes a call to the executable program to extract the statistics from the data run.


The executable program is contained in the folder DEP_analysis_software_050701\hpdlabtest\

The labview virual instrument has to be copied into folder DEP_readout_software\


The folder DEP_analysis_software_050701\ has to be saved in the same folder where the folder DEP_readout_software\ is located, otherwise the analysis programs will not be correctly called and the software will not work.


Go to folder DEP_readout_software\
Rename file to DEP_readout_software_0.2beta.backup
Copy the file in the same folder.
Go up one level in the folder hierarchy, to the folder containing folder DEP_readout_software\
Copy here folder DEP_analysis_software_050701\ and all its contents

The installation is completed, test the software running


Software description

The readout virtual instrument acquires a run of events and saves the data into a user specified binary file, exactly as the older version.

Conventionally the data files are stored with suffix .dat.

The format of the data files is not human readable. It is necessary to save the data file in order to execute the analysis software, so the button “Write to file” has to be selected before the beginning of the run. It should not be changed during the data taking, this resulting in the corruption of the output file.


If the button “Analysis” is selected, at the end of the run the analysis software will be called. This executable program reads the data file stored during data taking, does the clustering of the hits and calculates statistics on the numbers of cluster.

It will output one or more .txt and .hbook (Paw) files in its folder, according to the configuration file Config.txt.

For proper operation it is necessary that the summary_dep.txt file is written, so this has to be selected in the configuration file. Its location has to be the hpdlabtest folder. Each time that the analysis software is called, the summary_dep.txt file will be overwritten.


At the end of the execution of the analysis program, the .vi opens the file summary_dep.txt which has to be in the conventional location, and reads the values to calculate the Dark Count Rate (DCR) and the Ion Feedback figures, showing them on the .vi panel


The analysis software was written by Naoko Kanaya, http:/

It is based on and expands previous code (Pascal, PAW, C, C++) written by George, Matthias Moritz, Lisa Allebone and Gianluca Aglieri Rinella.

It is compiled and linked against CERN libraries and CygWin library.

It needs the CygWin platform installed (cygwin.dll) to work properly.


The call to the executable and the extraction of data was integrated into the DEP readout software LabView .vi by Gianluca Aglieri Rinella.




For questions please contact:



Last update: 1 July 2005, Gianluca Aglieri Rinella, CERN